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OOP-free JavaScript

In which I show you how to be a hispter.

Anyone who has worked with JavaScript on any non-trivial code base knows the pain of navigating it, due mostly to the dynamic method dispatch mechanism:

// person.js
function Person() {}
Person.prototype.kiss = function(otherPerson) {}
// anotherfilefarfaraway.js
doThing(new Person());
// main.js
 * Do something.
 * @param  {Person} person
function doThing(person) {

Now try to find the source code for the kiss() method. You’ll first have to figure out which class the person object belongs to, something not always straightforward given the dynamicity of the language. It’s easy in this case because of the docstring, which few people write. Otherwise, you’ll have to trace the execution of the function all the way up to find out who passed that person instance into doThing(). Grep-ing does get old…

On the other hand, we can try replacing methods with unbound functions and thus reducing objects to being just bags of state:

// person.js
export function kiss(person, otherPerson) {}
// main.js
import * as Person from "./person";

function doThing(person) {
	Person.kiss(person, otherPerson);

It’s now easy to infer immediately where that kiss() function comes from. In other words, our code has become statically analyzable. Your favorite IDE loves this!

Making this change means that we lose some of the goodness from the OOP world though, the most obvious one is polymorphism and the most common way to achieve it, inheritance. But fear not, we can always implement our own dispatching strategy.

function kiss(person) {
	switch (person.race) {
	case "white":
		kiss_white(person); break;
	case "black":
		kiss_black(person); break;

function kiss_black() { console.log("I kiss like a black person"); }
function kiss_white() { console.log("I kiss like a white person"); }

kiss({race: "black"});
kiss({race: "white"});

It works but is a bit manual and not open for extension. Let’s try throwing in some metaprogramming magic. How about this?

function kiss(person) {
	eval("kiss_" + person.race).call(null, person);

// ...

Great, but now we have a code injection issue to worry about. Sure we can do better? Yup. Higher order functions to the rescue!

function defPolyFunc(name, getKey) {
	function dispatcher() {
		var key = getKey.apply(null, arguments);
		var implementation = dispatcher.implementations[key];
		if (implementation) {
			implementation.apply(null, arguments);
		} else {
			throw {
				name: "NoImplementation"
				message: "No implementation of " + name + " for key " + key,

	dispatcher.implementations = {};
	return dispatcher;

function addPolyFuncImpl(polyFunction, key, implementation) {
	polyFunction.implementations[key] = implementation;
	return implementation;

The idea is that each function defined by defPolyFunc() will have an attached list of implementations, dispatched at runtime through a key, obtained from the argument list by a custom getKey() function. Users of the polymorphic function can then extend it by calling addPolyFuncImpl() with their own implementation for a specific key. This is cooler than inheritance-based dispatching because we can dispatch on the whole argument list, not just the type of the first argument, i.e. the this parameter.

This idea is very similar to Clojure’s multimethod feature. And a quick look through their source code shows that they did something not far removed from this.

// ---------- Usage ----------

var kiss = defPolyFunc("kiss", function getKey(person) {
	return person.race;

addPolyFuncImpl(kiss, "black", function kiss_black(person) {
	console.log("I kiss like a black person");

addPolyFuncImpl(kiss, "asian", function kiss_asian(person) {
	console.log("I kiss like an asian person");

kiss({race: "black", name: "etc..."});
kiss({race: "asian", name: "lol..."});

Take that idea one step further and apply it not to one function but a bunch at a time, we’ll end up with type class (what it is called in Haskell, also refered to as protocol in Elixir and Clojure), which should not be confused with classes in OOP. @Gozala on GitHub came up with a pretty nice implemention already.

Note that the ideas presented here should be applicable to other dynamically- typed OOP languages like Python and Ruby as well. In the case of Python, decorators allow us to build a very elegant implementation of defPolyFunc(). But that is left as an excercise for the reader ; )